What We're Looking For:
*Spells, rituals, meditations, essays on belief, the validity of spirit, sigils, glyphs, primers, techniques, warnings, etc.
Lengthwise: Keep it short if possible. 4000 words or less. Query first on longer pieces.
Our sweet spot: 1000 words or less (100-800)
Submit as much and as often as you like! :)
Things to consider before sending:
*Proofread it! :)
*Sex magic and bloodletting rituals are OK, but don't go into extreme or graphic detail. It may work great for you, but if you send us something too intense, (i.e. human sacrifice, x-rated erotic detail of a spell, etc.) we won't publish it.
Things we like:
Clarity. Lucidity. Reasonable (and preferably self-tested) real magical techniques (that work.) The straight stuff, no frills, no dogma. This is a how to manual. Give it to us straight. Pretty much anything that comes to us this way is OK. Be unique. Don't just think outside the box. Leave the box entirely and walk away forever.
When submitting, please submit your material through the form at the bottom of the page:
Here’s the legal stuff: When your material gets accepted, you are giving Chaos Grimoire non-exclusive electronic publication rights and non-exclusive subsequent publication rights. This means that we get to publish your material on the site (but you can send it elsewhere too), and then, after it has been put up on the website, we can stick it in a printed book or on a flyer or something like that, as long as we give you credit.
We don’t own your material, however– after it appears on the front page of Chaos Grimoire, you are free to sell it for millions of dollars, cut a deal with a movie producer, expand it into a book, enter it into your own or someone else's anthology or anything else all without needing our approval– as long as you remember to tell any potential buyers that they are buying your story as a non-exclusive piece.
In order to avoid complications, we're only accepting work which you previously haven't sold or given away the rights to. That means your work must not have been published elsewhere, either in print or on the web.
In the meantime, spread the word!
Again, by submitting your story to Chaos Grimoire, you acknowledge that if your story is accepted, you are giving the Chaos Grimoire team:
A. The non-exclusive right to electronically publish the story on http://chaosgrimoire.blogspot.com/
B. The right to republish the story in or in connection with Chaos Grimoire, including electronic or hard copy promotional material and printed compilations, provided that authorial credit is given in every instance of reproduction.
Credit (your name, your website if you have one, and your short bio) and publication! Whether this is your jumping off point as a writer or a way to get another piece on your resume, Chaos Grimoire offers you a voice, a chance to get your work out there in the hands of readers and contribute your own drop of water to the ocean of awakening that will wash over us all in time.