Contributor: Earl S. Wynn
In our modern society, where too often people perceive their reality in sharp, party-like ideological dualities, people often take opposing positions to greater categories of institutions or collected values (like religion or socialism.) We are human. We like to put things in neat categories and boxes that we can simply accept or dismiss as a whole as necessary. Because of this, we tend to see only two sides of any issue (acceptance and dismissal) and lump everything even remotely related to that greater conglomerated issue onto either side of a line that exists only in our minds. I saw this a lot growing up in a small town– there were only two religious “boxes” that people were ever perceived to fall into: Christianity (Protestantism and local Quaker churches) and Satanism (Everything from Atheism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Paganism and Taoism to yoga and meditation.) I like to use this example because it shows how dangerous dualistic thinking can be in regards to ideologies and institutions, especially those that we know little, if anything about. We have to realize that there is a wider world of infinite variation out there and expand our perceptions to include and accept it. We have to perceive reality in a way that is deeper than simple dualities.
But even then, we can’t stop there.
Those who look beyond a simple yes/no view of the world and the issues beyond it will first notice the line between the two groups in any given situation and consider standing on the line itself. This isn’t always accepted in wider society, as there is a stigma about being “on the fence”– It means one is not committing to one “side” of an issue or another, and therefore not adding their strength to the energetic construct created by others embracing sides of an issue as it stands. Instead of falling back on dualism, however, I would encourage readers to stand up and look even beyond the “fence.” Realize that nothing ever really exists in such a two or three dimensional fashion. Nothing can truly be divided into two separate stances, and especially larger issues that people construct in their minds, pitting all of science, math and theory of a certain flavor against all of the science, math and theory of another.
This is where doubt comes in. All too often, people of an intelligent background fed up with the inadequacies of a particular religious construct where things that are unexplainable (like miracles) are accepted by virtue of an obviously flawed belief (or set of ritual codes) alone, reappraise their view of the world and, drawing upon their propensity to construct dichotomies, create instead a skeptical system of interaction with the unexplainable that denies it exists altogether. They project doubt upon the unexplainable because it reminds them of the belief system which they left behind because they viewed it as destructive and/or hampering, and by projecting that doubt into their reality, it not only colors everything they see, it also closes them off from that which is unexplainable. They don’t believe in it, and because doubting (consciously choosing not to believe that something will manifest) is a conscious action which expends detectable amounts of energy within the brain, (and the brain has been proven to effect reality on a quantum level, thereby making changes in the energy of which everything is ultimately composed) it actually influences the structure of reality within their perception in a way that makes such unexplainable events significantly less likely to manifest, if they manifest within that person’s perceivable reality at all. In simple terms: Your mind is capable of changing reality by influencing it on a level at which scientists have shown that everything you can see and touch is ultimately composed of energy. This means that our thoughts (all of our thoughts) effect the reality around us in degrees relating to how strongly we feel or believe them, or in relation to how likely we believe a particular outcome is to happen. This is why doubt is so powerful at stopping non-physical manipulation– the brain is the tool here. If you try to effect change, but don’t believe that you can (or even doubt that you can in even the slightest way) you are ultimately weakening your impact upon the non-physical elements of reality that would shape the physical reality as you perceive it. You have nothing to lose in the grand scheme of things by committing yourself wholly to belief, (after all, if the Atheist model is correct, nothing really matters and you are a meaningless, random blip in an endless sea) but start small. Sure, the size of a miracle attempted is only a perceptual construct (one that has no bearing on objective reality) but realize that even the subconscious mind has doubts about things like being able to jump off a bridge and fly in the face of all known laws of physics.
Are you powerless against doubt? Never. You are the universe. Doubt is an energy. Use it as a tool both to protect yourself from the unwanted manipulations of energy projected by others (i.e. non-physical attack) and as a fuel to enhance the changes you want to make within the world. Stand up and believe. Do it constantly. Accept and be an active participant in the non-physical elements of your reality no matter what anyone else says, thinks or otherwise projects doubt into. Learn to accept the doubts of others and use them to overcome your own doubts instead of allowing yourself to become a victim to them.
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